!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
The results presented are simulations, not actual accidents.
Trajectories (upper menu)
Visualization of 3-day forecast trajectories of particles, released from selected Nuclear
Power Plants' sites over Europe can be invoked by clicking on the links above the image. The
NPPs are grouped by 6 for better visibility. The names of every NPP can be found in the list to the right, enumerated in consistency with the trajectory image.
The depicted trajectories originating from each site, corespond to 3 release heights: 100m, 300m and 1000m
The starting time of each trajectory is 00:00 on the current day. The points over each
trajectory determine the particle position after 12, 24, 36,..., 72 hours. The NPPs positions are
shown by asterisks.
Concentrations and Deposition (right menu)
Pointing over a NPP name in the list to the right invokes a drop-down menu with 2 items: concentration and deposition which are links to animations of a simulated nuclear accident. The accident parameters are fixed (shown in animations) and simulate a powerful release of radioactive material.